There is still not a medical explanation
Christmas was a hard day for us, but unlike other long breaks; this past time off was not as hard as some of the others. I don't...
This blog. Blogging.
I have blogged (wrote) before publicly and felt I needed to stop. I think I was worried about who might see my words because it's my...
More people to thank!!!
Paul and Vicki Hertz Barb Dunnington Brigitta Bergquist Linda Proell Anonymous and generous person Diane Fritz Kaokia Her Sara You have...
The SIBS come and they go.
I just ran into this piece of writing this morning. I wrote it to myself in spring of 2014. I don't really remember this because the...
Feeling low
While not everyone has a crisis. Everyone has a story. Thank you all for listening to ours. Thank you for donating. It's hard to say it...
His hand is healed
Dec 12: It was a rough weekend. Last week, Grant caught the cold/flu thing and he missed 2 days of school. I felt badly that he threw up...
A Moment of Gratitude
It is not a high point in your life when you realize you need to reach out to the closest people in your life and ask them for financial...
Trying to understand. Trying to be understood.
Everyday I rush home after work. I have to get home exactly at 3 o'clock to meet Grant on time. I have to get on his bus to help him off....
Guest blog at Divine in the Daily - Grant's troubling aggression towards others
Today my friend, Amy, invited me to guest blog on her site called "Divine in the Daily". I am very touched that she offered me the...
ArFID, Autism, Feeding Tube: Reality of Time Spent in a Hospital
July 3 - Grant is feeling better but not eating solids yet. Took our first hospital bath. Still quite unsure how long we will be here....