A Moment of Gratitude
It is not a high point in your life when you realize you need to reach out to the closest people in your life and ask them for financial assistance. In fact, it's pretty crappy. I read somewhere and I want re-quote it roughly here "Asking for money can go one of 2 ways. It can be humbling and uplifting or it can be a hard pill to swallow that other people won't help". Ok, that was a really rough paraphrase. I am happy to tell you that I am lucky, very fortunate, that my social circle is lifting me up and helping us profoundly. I only wish I could tell you when he was going out there. I wish I could tell you he is getting better. We are not there yet.
Today was a pretty normal day. Scott had to stay home to take care of Grant. We woke up at 2:30 am with a fever. Luckily, Scott sacrificed his work plans and took care of the sick kid. I ended the day on a high. My co-worker and friend, Cheree, brought me this basket. I didn't understand the full extent of the gift until I got home. A variety of gift cards, toiletries, food items, a DVD, and other fun things hid inside. I was really taken back. I was really moved that someone at work has gone through such effort to organize such a nice gift. TES Staff, I am so moved. Thank you.
I have been unsure how some of you would feel if I thank you publicly for your financial gifts. I wasn't sure what Ms. Manners would say! I am going to take a risk tonight and do it!! If you see your name and it makes you uncomfortable, please contact me and I will remove it. My goal is not to make you annoyed or what not, but to let you know how much you mean to me. Today we are at $6537. The names below are the people I want to thank for helping in large or small ways. You have all made a huge difference to our family.
Margie Slingsby
Ian and Sue Warfield
A close family friend
William Yang
Leslie and Patricia Terry
The Caffery's
Bryan and Amy Carlson
Bruce & Peggy Stordahl
Meghann Murphy
Patrice Carter
Gail Girard
Dennis Lecy
Jodi Altringer
Jessica Thompson
Lori Ledahl
Eric Gordee
Tony Grosso
Zaidee Martin
Lindsey Glines
Timothy Haaland
Jeff Krumm
Cynthia Tagg
Rachel Gaitlin
Chris Herrera
Patricia Youngs
Pamela Hundley
Laura Steabner
Rena Ashfeld
Nancy Stefansson
Timothy Hindbjorgen
Charles Campbell
Brittany Fink
Shannon Sand
Stephanie e Barnes
Jon Arne
Sandra Schmitke
Darcy Kaushagen
Colin Powers
Sara Johnston
Arianna Mueller
Kristie Murphy
Janell Ness
Kristin Hamlin
Faye Watson
Barrett Nobrega
Pam and Jeff Litt
Christa Fiedler
William and Toni Levering
Ryan McCallum
Rose Andersen
Renae Jacobs
Quincy Conrad
Josh Slivken
Mark Evans
Brooke Reseland
Chris, Paul, Will Wallus- Redfrog Family
Rhonda Olson
Lee Moua
Michael Reineccius
Tammy Monson
Colleen Douglas
Sara Graham
Allison Robinson
Anne Mommsen
Kimberly Allen
TES staff (Cheree Johnson) for the gift basket and gift cards:
-TES 2nd grade
-Julie Kent
-TES 5th grade and Joe Turner
- Linda Markson
When I look at this list, I see names of old and new friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, and people I have yet to meet. This list is crazy. You have made my day, my month, my year better. Thank you for helping. Thank you.