A year together
May 3 marks the 1 year anniversary since we brought home our son from the hospital out East. May has always been my special month because it was my b-day (when I was a kid). Then I became a mother and it became extra special (plus, Grant's bday is in June) and now it will marks the anniversary of when we brought Grant home.
I won't revisit the details of last year as I over-wrote about it full detail last year. However, I will share that those few weeks continue to be the most insane.
As you all know, we have found ourselves in a pandemic. So, I guess this spring is proving to be just as interesting as 2019 in our family.
I know people are sick of being house bound, but it doesn't feel much different to us. I think most autism households feel similarly. Yes, there may pieces. For example, we don't take Grant into places he loves and he's feeling that, but overall...we are pretty housebound in general.
My contention after this lifestyle started in March 13 is the oversharing of conspiracy theories and rhetoric being spread on social media. Many vocal people seem to no longer trust the media and I am disappointed to see children playing next to each other and people going on as nothing is going on. I think I have hit my own wall. I will take a break from scrolling on Facebook, so if I don't comment or "like" your feed..Don't take it personally. I understand being afraid, but can we please attempt to check the links we forward before blindly assuming it's true because it's a video or an article? It's painful to see the misinformation and I am talking about friends, family and neighbors. Not the 'media'. It feels like we haven't processed that we are the media. We are responsible for what goes viral.
That's my 2 cents. I'll be wearing my mask and hiding in my home as much as possible. If other people want to have covid19 parties and what not.. be my guest. Not interested in drowning in my own fluids if I can avoid it.
Speaking of unhealthy people, at 4:30 am I was woken by a very hot (I mean physically) 12 year old climbing into my bed. His whole body was radiating intense heat as he climbed under the covers. Fever 101. I went into my kitchen, grinding up Ibuprofen to bring his temp down, cursing under my breath that we forgot to buy the liquid version.
He slept until 9 am and seems fine now that it's noon. In fact, normally Sundays are horrible, however... so far we are doing really well.
Unfortunately, Grant has continued to be highly self injurious. His one temple is a dark purple from constant hits. His chin is not looking good and his knuckles have signs of over use.
He grows bigger by the day (it feels like). I can see his shoulders are broadening and he's 92 pounds (up 10 lbs in a year). He turns 13 in a month, which means I have a teenager. 😮😮😮
He really hurt his foot a week ago and could barely walk for a day or 2.
On the plus side, he loves swinging with dad, singing songs, and going to DQ. He begs us for 'white ice cream' and pop most days.
Just like everyone else, we are schooling from home. Grant does pretty well with tele-speech services and we talk to his teachers weekly through zoom. He hates being home this much. We have let go of all of our PCA's and behavior company to keep him safe from COVID19.
If you are reading this on May 10 - Happy Mothers Day! I hope someone is making you feel a little extra special today if you are a mom! My husband did a good job, he ran out to get us doughnuts when he left at 7:30 this morning to get me liquid meds for Grant. ❤
Lastly, a sincere thank you for 'being here'. It means so much to me that you are apart of our lives.